Monday, October 22, 2012

extrude along a path finished

i finished the extrude path thing it was kinda fun and cool. but i kinda got stuck on how to curve them and make them well. but i figured it out and did really quick i like these because you can do fast and there easy. when i finished the cube got lost in the lines and i also got stuck on how to make it extrude and follow the path but i forgot u always put the instructions in the 3d graphics website.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

helmet almost finished

almost finished with the helmets but stuck in one of the steps but I am sure ill figure it out tomorrow. I am just glad I am almost finished I am a little behind but I am sure ill get it done. but I am not sure if were even supposed to go this far i thought it was just one helmet and that's it. I am still a little confused with this but i hope by the time first semester is over i will be an expert because i think i got an advanced 3D graphics class after this semester 

Monday, October 8, 2012


still not finished but getting there today i had problems with the computer it was running really slow so thought i could restart the program and it would be better. so i did but when i tried to re-open it. it did'nt so i just restarted the computer but it took forever to turn on. and it was even slower so i just decided to manually shut it down and it turned on faster but it took at least 20 minutes to open the program. so i was delayed 

Thursday, October 4, 2012


still not finished with the helmet but ill get it done at home. i have the same maya at home. im following the steps but i get stuck a lot but im getting through it.i just need to practice a little more and get more familiar with the tools.i think ill probably have it done by next week. but not to sure. have not got a lot done jsut taking carefully but ill work faster.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

helmet still not finished

i was almost done with the helmet but i messed up on something and forgot to save my progress on it so i had to start all over and today i almost did the same mistake that i did last time. the problem was bridging the 2 meshes together but the guy sitting next to me helped do it.and now its much easier. now the goal is getting this done so i can move on to the next project.